Our winter courses

We offer a full range of training courses to suit your needs and experience, so come and get trained! And become a responsible Rider!

Mountain training


350 for 4 hours
480 per day


80 for 4 hours
100 per day

Seasonal workers and residents

-50% for seasonal workers on proof of employment

Do you know how to ski off-piste but don't know how to manage safety?

Did you know that statistically, we have 15 minutes to have a chance of finding a person alive when they are buried by an avalanche?

Did you know that without safety equipment, if you or your friends are caught in an avalanche, you have little chance of finding them: it's like looking for a needle in a haystack.

We offer a range of training courses to help you manage your own safety, that of your group and of people in the vicinity.

Because knowing how to ski is great, but knowing how to ride is even better!

Riding means being able to manage your descent safely for yourself, but also taking into account those of others, even strangers!

Riding means knowing how to glide while avoiding danger. It means being responsible for your own safety. It means having friends who are also capable of helping you in the event of a problem. It means knowing how safety equipment works. It means understanding the snow, knowing where to make your tracks and how to manage the risks during the descent!

We offer a full range of training courses to suit your needs and experience, so come and get trained! And become a responsible Rider 

Nb: group and commitment training courses

These courses are mainly offered outside the school holidays (December, January and March) so that seasonal workers can learn and improve collective safety on the resort. The more people we know about mountain safety, the more likely we are to be effectively rescued by those nearby!

A few images

Do you have any questions?

Contact us and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.